News Archives

B620-14 Now in Effect

B620-14 Now in Effect


As of July 12, 2017, the new Regulations come into force, including the CSA Standards B620, B621, B622, B625 and B626.

As a transitional provision, a person may, for a period of six months that begins on July 12, 2017, comply with the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations as they read on July 11, 2017.  This means that compliance is mandatory after January 12, 2018.

TCRNs which comply with B620-09 will need update or renewal by January 12, 2018 to comply with B620-14.

Please call us if you require any clarification or to discuss the impact this announcement will have on your business.


ProSolve’s Design Engineers have extensive experience in TDG highway tank vehicle modifications, new designs, and facility registrations. If you have any questions about your highway tank vehicle design, the new Regulations, the enactment schedule, or the Transitional Provision period contained in the Regulation amendments, please call us.

Posted by ProSolve in Mechanical Engineering, News Archives, TDG

TDG Bulletin – Crossover Pipes

Crossover pipesTDG Bulletin—Crossover Pipes

There are many requirements for highway tank compliance with Canadian (Transport Canada) and American (US DOT) Regulations for the Transportation of Dangerous Goods.

In recent months, crossover pipes on highway tanks have been questioned.  A crossover pipe on a highway tank connects two compartments separated by a bulkhead.  As such, these highway tanks become a single-compartment tank, since crossover pipes join the two compartments as one.

Why have crossover pipes been designed and manufactured on highway tanks?

  • To allow the loading of lading to distribute weight on the drive axles for adequate traction and load balancing.
  • To equalize the pressure between the two compartments.
  • To lighten the bulkhead.
  • To double the venting capacity during loading of one compartment of the tank.

Reasons why the use of crossover pipes is often not in compliance:

  1. The nameplates show the highway tanks as two-compartment tanks when the compartments are not isolated from one another. Inspections and tests of single-compartment tanks have passed when the nameplates identify the highway tanks as two-compartment tanks.  The nameplate does not comply with the requirements and the tank requires a modification.
  2. Independently pressure testing each compartment and validating bulkhead integrity are not possible. Also, an operator could load reactive ladings into each compartment, not realizing that the compartments are openly connected to one another.
  3. The crossover pipe extends above the rollover protection and does not have a leak tight closure located as close to the tank as practicable for any opening that is not an outlet.

Highway tanks with crossover pipes usually require at least one or two modifications for the tanks to comply with the requirements.  All modifications require the design review and approval of a Transport Canada-registered Design Engineer (B620-09 Clause

If you are being affected by this issue, please call 780-414-1895 or email us at  We will either answer your questions immediately or quickly get the answers that you need to continue your business operations safely and within full compliance of the regulations.

If you have any other issues about the design, manufacture, assembly, operation, inspection, test, repair, modification and / or retest of any highway tank, call now.  We can help.

This Bulletin titled TDG Bulletin-Crossover Pipes is Copyright © 2016, ProSolve Consulting Ltd.,  Release 20160922-02

Posted by ProSolve in Mechanical Engineering, News Archives, TDG

TDG Bulletin – Do You Know?

Double conical highway tank

Welcome to the first bulletin by ProSolve Consulting Ltd. that highlights current information, concerns, and trends related to highway tanks or cargo tanks for the Transportation of Dangerous Goods and the requirements of CSA Standard B620 and US 49 CFR.

There are many requirements for highway tank compliance with Canadian (Transport Canada) and US DOT Regulations for the Transportation of Dangerous Goods.  There are several topics that are currently affecting our highway tank industry, including:

  • Compliance or warranty issues have been identified for cargo tanks manufactured in the United States and sold or operating as highway tanks in Canada:
    • Cross-over piping
    • PRV sizing
    • Securement
    • Protection—rear end, bottom damage
    • Early repairs

How do you solve these problems?

  • Highway tanks have been auctioned in Alberta due to the industry downturn caused by low oil prices and reduced oilfield activity. Do you know if what you bought complies with all of the requirements of the Regulations and CSA Standard B620?
  • Some highway tank manufacturers have either changed or ceased their operations. What do you do when your tank manufacturer is no longer available for sales, service or solution of warranty issues?  How do you respond?  What actions do you take?
  • When you initiate or complete inspections and tests of highway tanks, are the highway tanks really in compliance?
  • Why is there a shortage of qualified, highway tank inspectors? What should an inspector examine, check and verify?  What areas or requirements are often missed?
  • When your highway tanks need maintenance and repairs, how do you know when to go to a registered facility and when a local repair shop will do? What questions do you ask about the qualifications of those who work on your highway tanks?

If one or more of these issues affects you, please call 780-414-1895 or email us at  We will either answer your questions immediately or quickly get the answers that you need to operate your business.

If you have any other issues about the design, manufacture, assembly, operation, inspection, test, repair, modification and / or retest of any highway tank, call now.  We can help.

This Bulletin titled Do You Know? is Copyright © 2016, ProSolve Consulting Ltd.,  Release 20160822-01

Posted by ProSolve in Mechanical Engineering, News Archives, TDG
Using Productivity Practices During Downtimes

Using Productivity Practices During Downtimes


Organizations feeling the impact from the recent energy industry downturn can use this time to their advantage.

“The best time to make operational changes are during the slow times,” says David Hall, P. Eng, President of ProSolve Consulting. “Now that projects are being put on hold and offices are slowing down, this is a good time to reflect on how to improve the efficiency of operations, reduce costs when it is most valuable, without layoffs, and prepare for even greater profits when the industry starts to recover.”

Hall says organizations can do several things during this downtime to better position themselves in the future:

  1. Revise strategic plans
    1. Reduce your risks by making more effective use of existing resources and assets.
    2. Review expenditures and consider timing: Is this the right time to buy that new equipment? What other options do you have? Consider application of Productivity Principles to draw the most value from your existing resources. Returns can be achieved in weeks, which makes you more nimble to attack new opportunities.
    3. Review labour requirements: Do you reduce staff and run the risk of losing exceptional talent? Consider the people you have to get the current work done as well as to review current processes, document best practices and increase training to enhance manufacturing capability, system quality, and reduce waste.
    4. How much has your company invested in hiring and training people? You risk losing that investment if people are laid off. Consider how much it will cost you to replace and train new people when industry eventually recovers. Develop people to their full potential.
  1. Review working capital
    1. Consider your supply chain, current inventory levels, and purchasing plans in light of your lower revenue expectations. What can you return to vendors or sell at a reduced price while there is still demand, to return working capital back into cash?
    2. What commitments have you made to suppliers? Is there an opportunity to reduce the size of deliveries, and implement just-in-time strategies to match the timing of payments to the timing of collections from your customers? Your suppliers are as concerned as you are about the changing business environment. Partner with your suppliers and build trust so that you can rely on their support during slow periods.
    3. Consider where and how you store your inventory. Do you have a warehouse lease or agreement coming up that you can renegotiate in favour of leasing a smaller footprint? Effective inventory management can dramatically reduce operating expenses and reduce negative cash flow.
  1. Find new opportunities: We’ve all heard the expression “when a door closes, a window opens”. Consider thinking outside the box.
    1. Are there other markets into which you could sell your products?
    2. Are there other products your customers use that you could adapt and produce as well, using your existing capacity and infrastructure?
    3. What other products can you move through your distribution network?
    4. How else can you utilize your technology? What needs can your technology serve?
Posted by ProSolve in Lean, News Archives, Operations Management, Productivity
Get Lean in 2015

Get Lean in 2015


Most of us are no strangers to New Year’s resolutions. At this time of year, we look back on the past, and resolve to make productive and healthy changes for ourselves for the New Year. The most common personal New Year’s resolutions are to lose weight, stop excess consumption, spend more time with family, get out of debt, help others and enjoy life more. However, how many people apply the same personal resolutions to their organization?

Just as we have personal improvements we want or need to make, so do many organizations. By applying Lean principles, you can shape up your organization while working on those personal improvements.

Tip 1Improve your culture: In Lean, there are two main pillars. The first is Continuous Improvement. The second is Respect for People. Most Lean projects focus on Continuous Improvement, but this will not truly happen without a focus on people; your customers, your suppliers, and most importantly, your staff.

In order for Continuous Improvement to work, you need to create an atmosphere of continuous learning, where people are given the ability and freedom to challenge the status quo, and even encouraged to do so.

In 2015, encourage your staff to make suggestions on how to improve their work on a regular basis. This could be anything from getting another hand tool so there is one at each workbench, or providing training on the scheduling software to improve its use. The most important part though, is to actually implement some of the suggestions.

Tip 2Lose some “weight”: Organizations that have not implemented Lean may not recognize or be able to quantify how much waste they have in their system. You may be surprised to find as little as 10% of your organization’s time is actually spent on value-added activities.

Pick a process in your organization and look for one of the eight wastes. Once you have identified a waste, brainstorm ideas with your staff on how that waste can be reduced. Here are some questions you can ask:

  • Do you have material handling equipment moving pallets of parts between workstations?
  • Is there a lot of work-in-progress?
  • Do staff members have the tools they need when they need them?
  • Is equipment sitting idle?
  • Are four different signatures required on an order?
  • Do you create reports that no one actually reads?
  • Do staff members spend time fixing errors that others have made?
  • Are skilled staff members being used to their full potential?


Be moTip 3re “takt”-ful: Takt time is a common term in Lean. It is the pace at which production needs to work to keep up with customer demand. By examining your customer demand, you can determine your organization’s takt time then work to balance the work so each step in the process is close to takt. This, in combination with waste elimination, will reduce the lead time of your process. Full Lean implementation can result in a 25 to 50% reduction in lead-time, which ultimately increases your customer responsiveness. 

Tip 4Don’t make the same mistakes: Everyone knows the saying “learn from your mistakes,” but we often don’t do this in our organizations. Many times, if a defect is found in a product, or a mistake is made in shipping, the problem is corrected and everyone moves on. Next time, rather than re-soldering that part (for example), challenge yourself and your team to examine the cause for the faulty solder. Was the flux missed? Is the soldering iron too small or not properly cleaned? Is appropriate training in place? You can use tools like “5 Whys” and fishbone diagrams to really dig into the root cause of the problem. By doing so, you can work on preventing the same mistake from happening again rather than just applying a Band-Aid. 

Tip 5Drive less: Material handling equipment and inventory racking are an important part of many operations. However, once material is moved onto the assembly or manufacturing floor, the focus of Lean is to provide each workstation with the supplies they need as they need them. This often means moving raw material, parts and work-in-progress between workstations in smaller batches, and therefore on a cart instead of with the forklift. When Lean is fully implemented in a manufacturing organization, the company can expect material handling savings on the order of 25 to 50%. 

Tip 6Clear the clutter: Are there items in your workspace that you have never used? This can happen on the shop floor with tools or manuals for equipment that has long been discarded, as well as in offices with out-dated procedures, or keeping around that broken chair that might one day get fixed. You will find many things that are being kept “just in case.” The New Year is a perfect time to conduct a “red-tagging” exercise. Go through your workspace and place a red-tag on anything that you haven’t used or opened in one year. Once complete, place all of the red-tagged items in a designated space. If no one claims them in 90 days, they will be discarded or donated – just in time for “spring cleaning.”

Just like cutting out that second cookie as part of your healthy eating New Year’s resolution, a simple modification in your organization can lead to vast differences to your productivity and bottom line. So, while you’re making your personal resolutions list this holiday season, don’t forget you can also improve your organization by going Lean in 2015.

If you’d like more information on how your organization can be more Lean in 2015, the ProSolve team is here to help. One of our consultants would be happy to provide you with some additional information. Contact us via email, or phone us at 780.414.1895.

Posted by ProSolve in Industrial Engineering, Lean, News Archives, Operations Management, Productivity